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| LeClasp Safety First Branded KEY Holder - Choice of 100+ Safety First & Zero Branded Messages\Slogans The LeClasp™ Key Holder is available decorated with yo ur choice of 100+ SAFETY FIRST AND ZERO Branded Messages/Slogans on the FRONT side location and optionally, the organization logo imprinted on the second BACK side location.  Handed out as part of a workplace Safety First initiative (workshop, meeting) or Annual Safety Week Health and Safety Activity to reward or commemorate a safety achievement, the LeClaspTM Safety Initiative Key Holders are an ef fective vehicle (advertising medium, giveaway, handout) to get DAILY work safe messages and practices ACROSS TO WORKERS. The most significant impact will occur when workers family members and friends INQUIRE about the what, who, where, when and why's of the VERY VISIBLE Safety First message, warning, reminder, reinforcement or slogan. more For additional information, visit our Workplace Safety division. | LeClasp Safety First Branded Key Holder Price List |
| ITEM# DESCRIPTION 125 250 500+ |
| | | #1450 LeClasp "Safety First" Branded Key Holder $7.19 $7.19 $6.80 #1252 Each Back Side, Organization Logo & Safety Slogan |