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Return to [ More Exciting Safety First Initiative Themes ] Are You Rewarding Your Workers With The Right Stuff?? 
Handed out as part of a Safety Initiative workshop (meeting) to reward a safety achievement, the LeClaspTM "Safety First" Branded Key Holders are an effective vehicle (advertising medium, giveaway, handout) to get your DAILY work safe messages, warnings, reminders, reinforcements, and encouragement slogans messages ACROSS TO WORKERS. Predominantly decorated on the front side with your choice of a "Safety First" Branded message, we believe the most significant safety-related impact will occur when workers are asked QUESTIONS about the what's, who's, where's, when's and why's of the VERY VISIBLE "Safety First" branded warnings/practices/procedures. In a stress-free and relaxed HOME setting/environment, WORKPLACE and HOME (!!) safety practices, procedures and specific equipment dangers are discussed, reviewed, reasoned, thought up with a spouse, inquiring son/daughter, friends, teammates, co-workers, lover after sex... Carried 7/24 and utilized at work\HOME\vacation, your workers will simply revel in the "key managers" innovativeness, uniqueness and USEFULNESS. For additional information, click below links: More... LeClasp "Bring Safety Home" Campaign
LeClasp Key Holder Functions\Benefits
In-stock Safety First Branded Messages
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