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LeClasp Fundraising Division

(Associations, Foundations, Not-For-Profits, Schools, Leagues, Teams, etc.)


LeClasp and Fundraising

 6a) Intro      -  Are you planning a fundraiser?

 6b) Step #1 - Set a financial objective

 6c) Step #2 - Approach sponsors in your


 6d) Step #3 - LeClasp sells like hot cakes to


 6e) Step #4 - Calculate LeClasp Sales

                       Break Even Selling Price Point

 6f) More       - LeClasp Cost-per-impression

 6g) Download Flier



Step #1 - Set A Financial Objective

Plan and organize the LeClasp fundraiser as you and your group have previous fundraisers campaign.


Start by setting a financial objective to achieve.

1) How much money does your group need to raise?

2) How many participants will be involved in the fundraiser?

3) How much fundraiser product must each participant sell to reach objective?


For example, 40-group members need to raise $5500 for the soccer teams trip to the provincial championship. Or... sixty-five (65) church members need to raise $11,000 for the choir trip to Rome, Italy.

 6c) Step #2 - Approach sponsors in your


 6d) Step #3 - LeClasp sells like hot cakes to


 6e) Step #4 - Calculate LeClasp Sales Break

                       Even Selling Price Point

 6f) More      - LeClasp Cost-Per-Impression

 6g) Download Flier


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