Step #3 - LeClasps Sells Like Hot Cakes
Approaching a potential individual:
A simple demonstration usually persuades individuals of LeClasp's "every day" usefulness.
Try this simple but effective approach: "Hello, my name is _________, and I'm raising money for ___________.
Know why your group is holding the fundraising, and communicate this to potential donors. For example, "Our group is raising money in order to finance medical equipment and health programs".
Below "How To Use & Benefits" sheet handed out to participants selling LeClasps.
LeClasp Selling Price
Each participant(15+ years) could sell up to 36 LeClasp's each. Start with family, seniors, friends and proceed to neighbors, co-workers, and other people you feel would be interested in your cause.
LeClasp™selling price to individuals will depend on the Corporate Sponsorship donations.
Example #1: If the fundraiser objective is $7500 and you and your group collect $5000 from Gold-Silver-Bronze Corporate Sponsorship in your town, then the BREAK EVEN selling price = LeClasp™purchase cost plus $2500 ($
Example #2: If the fundraiser objective is $7500 and you and your group collect $8000 from Gold-Silver-Bronze Corporate Sponsorship in your town, then the BREAK EVEN selling price = LeClasp™purchase cost subtract $500 ($8000-$7500) divided quantity ordered.
Click link to download and print the following LeClasp Fundraiser Form - Calculate Break Even Selling Price.
First, fill in the Company Name and amounts donated by Gold, Silver and Bronze Corporate Sponsorships. Secondly, enter the approx. number of participants and order quantity and price. An estimate LeClasp™ selling price will be calculated.
Incentive Prizes:
Not all fundraising campaigns need additional incentives to motivate the participants. If a football team needs to raise $120 per player to be able to participate in a tournament, the incentive is already there.
With many campaigns, you may want to motivate your participants with individual achievement prizes. For example, everyone who sells a pre-determined minimum (36-units), or raises the most money, or sells the most units gets his or her name entered for a draw for cash prize, movie tickets, gift certificate or other merchandise available or donated.
LeClasp Cost and Delivery:
Once you have placed your order, allow 2-3 weeks for delivery of up to 1000 anticipated units.
LeClasp™ suggested price points vary with quantity ordered and number of colours printed.
6e) Step #4 -
LeClasp Cost-Per-Impression
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