LeClasp... Best CPI In The Promotional Products Industry
Assuming a $7.50 price point per LeClasp™, the one day usage CPI (cost-per-impression) is 47¢ ($7.50 / 16).
For one month usage, your "production staff" will be reminded (see) of your "safety message" 480 times (30*16), or a CPI of 1.5¢ ($7.50 / 480).
For one year usage, your "prospective or loyal client" will be reminded (see) your "company product & services" 5760 times per year (365*16), or a CPI of more or less two-hundredths .002¢ of a cent ($7.50 / 5760).
Spread that out across the 3-year recommended replacement period and it works out to more than 17,280 impressions, or take into account a "consumer" reminded "every single day" of your "leading brand-name product" for an incalculable CPI of four-thousandths .0004¢ of a cent ($7.50 / 17280)!!
Wow... LeClasp offers you long term exposure at a very low, low CPI. Before purchasing promotional product lines, measure, appraise, cost and justify ROI.
Click the following link Case for Promotional Products for an informative article (quickie refresher class) on CPI (COST-PER-IMPRESSION). |